What Indexes would you like to see on B&F Watch?

Previously, we had talked about creating "indexes" where people can rate different values and factors. So, I'm starting this item to pose the question: What indexes would you like to see?

Some ideas include

  • "Pinko" index, are way to rate businesses based upon how they engage their communities of customers, developers, employees, investors, and the world in general from a marketing perspective. There would probably be several different factors that would be combined to create a pinko "rating". What should those factors be?
  • Attention trust ratings: same thing applies here pretty much, what should the factors be?
  • "Open business" ratings. How much of the business process is "open" to outside governance, how much of the business is built on open standards (like open source software), how transparent is the business? How open is IP of business?
  • Commons stewardship ratings: What effects does the business have on the different commons it is connected with?
  • Externalities balance: what are the positive externalities vs. negative?
  • ...? what else? What are the indexes you think are important?
  • Also, as far as interface design goes, I think it might be possible to create some kind of "slider" or other graphical dashboard that can be used to quickly input these ratings, plus a link to "help" or "about" each value in each type of rating.

    Conversation threads per rating item

    Also, I think it could possibly be useful to have a comments section per each rating item, because each rating item has a different school of thought behind it, and a different set of proponents, and this could attract a wider range of people, and give them a place to engage. I also think that each entry should still contain a meta-general discussion, too. I am open to suggestions on this. Another idea is that there could be one discussion, but each discussion item is tagged with what it pertains to as far as indexes go, or "other", and then users could filter based on sub-topics within each topic...just an idea, will think more about it. Please don't hesitate to offer your suggestions.

    imagen de Anonymous

    Couple of indexes

    Here is a quick list from the top of my head

    * disruption index:
    Potential for being a disruptive innovative business. See Clayton Christensen for more info

    * growth potential index:
    What is the likely size of the market this business is covering

    * strategic positioning index:
    How much strategic resources has the business accumulated? Is it positioned in a competitive market?

    imagen de Anonymous


    This are very important factors for sure.

    It's interesting to think about how people might collectively create these indexes in useful ways.

    Also, I though it could be useful to have script that populates the http://wiki.barcampbank.org site with a page for each entry, and generates a link in the entry to the wiki page. This could let people create a deeper repository of knowledge around each entry. Will look into this more if we are interested...

    Sam Rose
    Social Synergy Web

    imagen de Anonymous

    User defined indexes

    What would be cool is if we can find a way to let anyone create its own type of index and start populating it for a series of entries. We could then see if it garners momentum by people voting on relevance of indexes and possibly have more and more people starting using them for characterizing entries

    imagen de Anonymous

    User defined indexes: great idea

    Perhaps if we can come up wih some way for people to build these indexes?

    What would a typical index/rating sytem consist of? If we can standardize this in some way, we probably can allow for the creation of it.

    Sam Rose
    Social Synergy Web

    imagen de Anonymous

    User defined indexes

    I would think of the ability for a user to define the template of a form consisting of a set of closed questions; defining if people can answer yes or no (yes or no, maybe); or a range of value (e.g. between 0 and 10); then the creator could define weights for each questions and his/her newly created index would be the result of the weighted average.

    Then for each entry, readers could decide to fill an index for this resource (through a choice in the list of possible index). We would then have the possibility of seeing the overall custom index for this resource (average of the index note between all the results of readers who entered an evaluation); and possibly see the detail index entered by each reader for this resource.

    This functional requirement is possibly asking a lot for. If we could have something simple (like just defining one question for an index and deciding on a value range for entering it).

    Frederic Baud

    BarCampBank - P2PVenture
    My blog

    imagen de Anonymous


    I'm wondering what would be the effect of automatically creating pages on the >wiki. While wikis offer the ability to organize semi-structure and thus the liberty attached to this, I'm a bit worried that having information in two places (Drupal and the Wiki) could start creating discrepancies and maintenance problems.

    But I think we miss a flat presentation of the list of all the resources. It could be a page automatically produced (not designed to be modified by humans) that'd show a projection of the repository. First idea would have a flat structured list very similar to what we currently maintain on FractalWiki. Another possbility could also be to create an Index (in the sense alphabetical Book Index) of all the entries here to give a full view of the content.

    imagen de Anonymous

    Wiki, Flat Presentation

    I think the wiki could be a bit much, too. Might be something I'd use, but many would not use such a wide array of tools, likely.

    it could be neat/useful to have a custom page that creates just the flat list, based on category, perhaps?

    Sam Rose
    Social Synergy Web

    imagen de Anonymous

    Flat page

    Right, I think it would be great to have a flat page with groups and subgroups as headers and sub-headers.

    Another page with alphabetical index would I think be useful as well.

    Frederic Baud

    BarCampBank - P2PVenture
    My blog

    stockpickr.com has some

    stockpickr.com has some ideas on indexes (left column). Also, I like socialpicks.com user's ranking system.

    Some indexes i recommend: a political index which tracks political events/forming laws and a University index which tracks R&D projects, issued patents, and the underwriting companies at the academic level.