Improving workflow

We could list under this topic the idea we have to improve the general workflow of the site.

imagen de Anonymous

Having polls to rank quality of entries

We start to have a lot of entries with inequal quality and relevance. I think we could start implemeting a ranking based on votes and show the most popular entries in the navigation sidebar (left)

imagen de Anonymous


I am thinking that WYSIWYG editor could be a good improvement to this site. If no one objects, I'll install tinymce, or FSKeditor.

Sam Rose
Social Synergy Web

imagen de Anonymous

Please go ahead for WYSIWIG

I used FSKEditor in the past. There was a couple of bugs and did not work that well on IE, but I was quite happy with the rapid level of integration I managed to get. Didn't know Tinymce, but looks good aswell.

imagen de Anonymous

Flag this

Added a function that allows users to flag content to let admins know about it, such as if it is spam, etc

Sam Rose
Social Synergy Web

imagen de Anonymous

Vote Up/Down

Added an Ajax function that allows user to "vote up/down" for each entry, adn displays accumulated points. Check out settings and see what you think about it. It will also display accumulated statistics for each user.

Plus, there is a way to create CCK/Views modules connection to create votable indexes for many different types of ratings.

Sam Rose
Social Synergy Web

imagen de Anonymous

Vote Up/Down For Comments, Too?

Should I turn on Vote Up/Down for comments, too?

Sam Rose
Social Synergy Web

imagen de Anonymous

Votes up/down

Could be for comments or parent topic. I don't really know. But I know that we should have a vote for at least one of these.

imagen de Anonymous


Because vote up/down is Voting API based, we can employ

and tell Drupal to different things with content, based on voting.

We may also try out the recommendation engine, too.

Sam Rose
Social Synergy Web

imagen de Anonymous


I guess I should clarify that this can be done with. There used to be a Vote up/down that emulated Digg, but that seems to have disappeared however, we can use...

One of these:

Possibly with this (depending on voting method chosen)

Plus an Amazon-like recommendation system based on site voting can be implemented with: this only works with certain voting modules, though

Also (eventually) recommended is to allow users to show us possible spam content

Sam Rose
Social Synergy Web

imagen de Anonymous


I wonder if we might use the module that adds Digg-like functionality to the entries?

Sam Rose
Social Synergy Web