Syndicate comments

It would be nice to syndicate comments as well. If a new post hits an already posted topic, it appears that it doesn't syndicate. Unless I"m missing something? I.e. my recent comments on already established topics.

imagen de Anonymous

Ok, Comments RSS done!

Ok, done, now appears in left hand side of window url:

Sam Rose Social Synergy Web Weblog

imagen de Anonymous

Nope, you are not missing

Nope, you are not missing anything. I am trying to figure out how to include comments in the rss feed (or publish a seperate feed for them) Hopefully will have going by tomorrow


Thanks for input, and welcome, Joey! Cool

Sam Rose Social Synergy Web Weblog

imagen de Anonymous

Agreed with comments syndication

I agree with you. Seems like this is becoming one of the dynamic part of the site's life, so we'd need receiving alerts when things have changed.

Frederic Baud
BarCampBank - P2PVenture
My blog