Funding New Development?

One of the ideas that I am thinking about is that we could pool money as a group to pay someone qualifiedto refine this site, create a better CSS/layout/navigation, possibly fix different issues, and create some of the custom functions and reporting etc

We have the ability to do some of this type of work ourselves, but lack the time to do it, as some of these tasks are typically over 50-100 hours of time (like developing a theme/CSS)

 I think we could fund a good amount of this for around US $700-US$1500 or so. Thoughts on this?



imagen de Anonymous

Perfect test case for FundCamp's platform

I think we could treat this as a good test case for We can see how we should manage this as a project, while we start developping the platform for Seecamps or FundCamps.

Questions we'll have to handle could be: what is the "business model" for B&F Watch? Can we expect it to be sustainable? what kind of investments should be planned? can we find a way to repay investors with revenue B&F Watch could generate?...


Frederic Baud

BarCampBank - P2PVenture
My blog

imagen de Anonymous


Ok, looks like a good idea. We should also try and work out the possible processes and workflow of a Drupal-based FundCamp collab platform, maybe in the wiki? (and onthe drupal site)...


Sam Rose Social Synergy Web Weblog

imagen de Anonymous

Ok re: FundCamp

"We should also try and work out the possible processes and workflow of a Drupal-based FundCamp collab platform, maybe in the wiki? (and onthe drupal site)... "

Ok, I see that you have already started this...

Sam Rose Social Synergy Web Weblog

imagen de Anonymous

FundCamp process and platform

Hi Sam,

I already kicked start a page on the wiki to start discussing the functionalities of the prototype. I think the wiki is definitely the place where we could start discussing the process aspect.

I've started to think that the Drupal prototype could lead to an open platform where everyone interested in organizing a FundCamp in their country could use the platform for the online collaboration process.


Frederic Baud

BarCampBank - P2PVenture
My blog

imagen de Anonymous

Good idea on creating open FundCamp platform


I've started to think that the Drupal prototype could lead to an open platform where everyone interested in organizing a FundCamp in their country could use the platform for the online collaboration process.

That is a good idea, and it would be nice to see if we can attract some of these people to the initial development of the platform over time.


Either way, ia m interested in diving in right away, and I like the overall structure you have at

I'll reply more in depth there...

Sam Rose Social Synergy Web Weblog

imagen de Anonymous


I registered just to be on the safe side. If everyone is ok, I'll transfer the domain to (the non-profit French-based organization we are creating see (FR)) when we get all the legal things in place.

Frederic Baud

BarCampBank - P2PVenture
My blog

imagen de Anonymous

Also, maybe and Wikia, or other communities...

I am also thinking that we might be able to start a satellite-attractor page or project on, and psssibly Wikia, and/or other communities. We really need to reach out at some point soon, to start connecting people who are interested in these ideas to what we are doing. We may be able to create some form of partnership or bond with, to act as a Seed accelerator for ideas that emerge there. This is something we can discuss with them


For the BF Watch test case, once we get we might think about reacdhing out to all of the people we talked about previously who are involved in thinking and blogging about finance/banking/etc, and see if we can get them to work with us on the process of making a sustainable model of some sort for BF Watch, for instance.


Sam Rose Social Synergy Web Weblog