
Short description:

Discover organization relations
Make more strategic donations
Promote more financial transparancy between different forms of (related) organizations

The motivation behind Donorge is to grow the ability to transparently support ideas and creation, either localized or connected around the world. What is supported inside Donorge is what you support and what in turn those ideas and creations you support support. This allows for there being more transparency and potential effectiveness at the resource layer of organizations and their voluntary contributed resources.

imagen de Anonymous

Donorge: Drupal module

A drupal module is integrated with Donorge function:

Sam Rose
Social Synergy Web

imagen de Anonymous

Donorge: Drupal codebase on savannah

Drupal codebase is here:

This could be useful as the money-pooling half of a p2pmoney system

Sam Rose
Social Synergy Web